Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Joey's Birthday Party

Joey's 5th birthday is Friday. His birthday party will be at our house on Saturday. Come over any time after 3:00.

If you get here before 3:00 that's fine. But I won't let you touch any food.

Joey wanted crabby patties so we're BBQing burgers. And I think that's it. Just burgers.

I wanted to charge a $20 cover at the door. Julie said no.

For those of you who haven't been around in a while remember it's Joey's party, not Andy's. I know you will want to see Andy, etc., but don't forget why we're getting together. We don't wanna hurt Joey's feelings.


Anonymous said...

Call it what it really is...An NFL draft party/little kid thingy! Your wife is still a Kanadian/French/British/Irish immigrant who only knows soccer, curling and whiskey! My god man, who throws a shoe? I mean, really, a shoe?? That really hurt. Just for her lack of football draft day knowledge, I am speaking in a British accent ALL Bloody Day!

Anonymous said...

I thought Julio was Mexican -- what with her throwing that bottle of Patron every morning?! Who is Andy? I only see a driving teenager in your house.... HAHAHA Ten years til the driver's permit mommy and daddy! Hey.... Which car is he gonna borrow for Prom?! And remember, parents..... No glove, no love!!!
Holla..... Bindy and Paicheck