Monday, September 29, 2008

OK People, Listen Up!

The Humane Society does not put down animals just because they haven't been adopted. They stay there until adopted.

Let me repeate this.

The Humane Society does not put down animals just because they haven't been adopted. They stay there until adopted.

So you need to get rid of your dog for whatever reason? But you're afraid the Humane Society will put the dog to sleep if he's not adopted out? Fear no more.

I'll say it one more time.

The Humane Society does not put down animals just because they haven't been adopted. They stay there until adopted.

Hey HSMO people. Tell your PR dept. to get the word out! Why does everyone think this is the case?

Hey Rams. Thanks for taking my advice re: head coach.

Hey Haslett. Make me look smart, k? thx.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I may not have understood exactly what you were trying to say... The humane society will kill my defenseless animal if it's not adopted after 7 days? WOW, that's terrible. I cannot believe you let your wife work for those sadistic bastards. Wait until I tell PETA and Tipper Gore. Man, I thought they waited until they were adopted. Is that orginaztion run by Kanadians? Maybe it's owned by the Rams? Who knows these things. Hey, if I drop Al Davis off at their door, will they put him out of OUR misery? Just a passing thought (or was it a fart).
I have an idea for tat $700 billion...Let's take half of it and build 8 brand new refineries so we can ease these F%^&ing gas prices. How about we divy up the rest between lynch mobs for all those F*#@ing CEO'S that made multi millions off of destroying our economy. We could then seize their money, properties, etc... and we would have all of our original $700 billion back. We could then use it to educate our children, re-do healthcare, kick out illegal aliens (yes, Kanadians too), develop liquid coal into clean fuel as a replacement for gas and compensate Lars for all the revenue he lost due to Napster! (okay, the last was in jest). Maybe then we could be the greatest nation on earth again, as we currently rank behind Belgium in about 19th place.

Anonymous said...

Danny, ur a rockstar!! Thx for getting the word out ... I'm sick of constantly being on the defense and feeling like the bad guy! Btw -- if we could fire our pr department we would -- we want Princess Katherine back !!!!!!
Oh, and not that I know much about football ( or give a damn for that matter ) I think you are right with the whole Haslett thing ... Linehan needed to go!